Taha Ahmed, Ph.D.

A FAIRly enthusiastic scientist!

Taha is a trained researcher in photoelectrochemistry who is keen to contribute to the movement of chemistry (and science in general) towards FAIRer practices. He approaches this primarily from a software perspective, in an ongoing effort to FOSS-ify all software used to analyze data and to create manuscripts. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he is a proponent of FAIR code and data and FOSS infrastructure in research.

Scientific publications

Scientific contributions

R package

To calculate the optical band gap of semiconductors from UV-Vis spectra using the Tauc method.

  • research software
  • UV-Vis spectroscopy
  • inorganic semiconductors
R package

A systematic collection of properties of the chemical elements visualised on the IUPAC periodic table using ggplot2.

  • dataset
  • general chemistry
  • web scraping
R package

A small but easily extensible database of band gaps and band energies for some semiconductors.

  • dataset
  • semiconductors
R package

Functions to work with the solar reference spectrum G173-03 and theoretical black-body spectra.

  • research software
  • photoelectrochemistry
  • sunlight
R package

With functions to convert between common reference electrode scales at varying temperatures and ionic concentrations.

  • dataset
  • electrochemistry
R package

Dataset of X-ray transition properties for all chemical elements, with a function to match observations against the most likely element.

  • dataset
  • X-ray transitions
R package

Calculates the solubility of oxygen gas in water with varying temperature.

  • research software
  • physical chemistry


Collection of 100+ Ansible roles and playbooks

Author and maintainer
– Present

Ansiblify everything, I say! Ansible puts configuration-as-code firmly within the grasp of any academic dabbling with code, in my opinion. Some of my highlights:

  • Ansible

  • Git

  • YAML

  • Jinja

Self-hosted e-mail servers

Sysadmin and maintainer
– Present


Technical writing
  • LuaLaTeX

  • biber

  • TikZ

  • knitr

  • quarto

  • noweb

  • Markdown

Scientific visualization
  • grammar of graphics

  • ggplot2

  • R

  • Shiny

Chemical synthesis
  • ECD

  • CBD

  • Quantum dots

  • Nanorods

  • Thin films

  • ZnO

Physical characterization
Systems administration
  • Ansible

  • Linux

  • Git

  • bash

  • R

  • LXC

  • MariaDB

  • pgsql

  • Apache

Scripting & programming
  • shell

  • R

  • Python

  • Git

  • YAML

Network administration

Workshops & conferences

Nordic RSE conference

Oral presentation
Aalto University, Finland

Gave a short presentation of my Ansible playbook for the academic desktop at the first in-person conference of the Nordic Research Software Engineers.

awk workshop

EBC, Uppsala University

Hands-on workshop with lots of examples demonstrating uses of awk, led by Pavlin Mitev and others from UPPMAX.

Uppsala University section of Chemistry conference

Oral presentation
The Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala

Presented results from my on-going research on the opto-electronic properties of semiconductor colloidal suspensions. This conference was organized by Uppsala University's two chemistry departments.

TekNat PhD student days

Oral presentation
– Present
The Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala

I was invited to give a LaTeX workshop for fellow PhD students.

224th Electrochemical Society meeting

Oral presentation
San Francisco, CA

Presented a talk of my early research into ALD-coating of electrodeposited zinc oxide nanorods and their photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical properties.

MRS spring meeting

Moscone Center, SF, CA

Shared some of my work into CBD-coated zinc oxide nanorods and their photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical properties at the Materials Research Society spring meeting in San Francisco.


Caltech University, CA

Presented results from my early research into coating different visible-light absorbing semiconductors on top of nanostructured zinc oxide at the 19th International conference on photochemical conversion and storage of solar energy.


Uppsala University

Doctoral student in photoelectrochemistry

Avistor AB

Consultant in IT systems management
Owner, self-employed (part-time)
– Present
Greater Stockholm metropolitan area

Conceptualisation, planning and budget, purchasing, development, systems administration, backup and decommissioning of software (operating systems, applications, web services, SaaS, software-based networking) and hardware (PCs, routers, switches, wireless access points) and related tools and equipment.

SEB Enskilda

Junior systems developer and controller foreign equities

Summer job as backoffice clearing & settlement of non-Swedish trades evolved into a part-time systems development job.

  • Put my LaTeX knowledge to use and modernized the bank's customer-facing receipts, bringing them up to par with the then newly introduced MiFID regulation.


Supervision of research student

Uppsala University

Supervised a masters-level student for a 15 hp course (half a semester) in materials science entailing laboratory synthesis and characterization on work closely related to my own research, successfully completed by the student into a written report.

R for physical scientists

Uppsala University

Developed and led (jointly) a 4-day course introducing R for postgrads and postdocs at the Ångström Laboratory (around 20 participants).

Lab teacher undergrad chemistry

Uppsala University

Teaching assistant in charge of laboratory part of courses in basic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and physical chemistry (solo or together with other lab TAs, each TA assigned 16 students).



Högskoleprovet (universitets- och högskolerådet)

Provledare eller provassistent
  • 2022-10-23
  • 2022-05-07
  • 2022-03-12

Ansvar för utdelning och insamling av provmaterial samt id-kontroll av ca 30 provdeltagare.

Bedömargrupp (Universitetskanslersämbetet)


Utsedd till doktorandrepresentant av SFS i UKÄ:s bedömargrupp som utvärderade Högskolan Dalarnas ansökan om tillstånd att utfärda examen på forskarnivå i resurseffektiv byggd miljö.

Frihet på cykel (Cykelfrämjandet)

  • 2023-04
  • 2022-08
  • 2022-05
  • 2021-09
  • 2019-04
  • 2018-09
  • 2018-04

This was great fun - helping adults accomplish something they thought near-impossible. Of course, the participants already did the hard part by signing up to the course, and more bicycling is good for any city.

Doktorandnämnden (Uppsala studentkårer)

Vice ordförande och ledamot i arbetsutskottet

Bidrog till att stärka rättigheterna för tredjelands-doktorander i Sverige. samt ledamot i universitetets kvalitetsråd.

Uppsala universitets kvalitetsråd


Doktorandrepresentant, deltog i framtagadent av universitets första KoF, samt i andra frågor som föredrogs vid rådet.

Kemiska ämnesrådet vid sektionen för kemi

Representerade kemistudenterna på grundutbildningsnivå gentemot sektionen för kemi, Stockholms universitet.



Native speaker (C2)


Advanced (C1)


Advanced (C1)